She Did This For Herself.
How would you rate your photo shoot experience on a scale 1-10?
How did shoot day compare to your expectations going into it?
"Amazingly better than I could have ever imagined. I actually never felt awkward, NEVER"
How has the experience affected how you feel about yourself?
"I feel even stronger personally and I’m still adjusting to feeling “pretty” ...."
Is there anything at all you wish I would have done differently or think I could do to further enhance the experience in the future?
"It was so perfect!!! I mighta coulda used one more fan LOL"
(noted haha...this island heat y'all )
Please feel free to specify any requests for sharing your images here. I will happily oblige:
"Patria!!. I really would love to help other women feel this beauty and empowerment. It’s an amazing experience from beginning to end that will stay with me forever."
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Wondering how these everyday women were able to do this for themselves?
I'll tell you.